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From: WRmistyRW@aol.com

Author's Note: This is an attempted comedy if you know your women's soccor. I
was inspired by the game I went to yesterday. I was so close to getting Julie
Foudy's autograph! Argh!

Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own anything. To all you Skye haters, she's not in
this one.

Pokmon Soccor
by Misty

Misty, Sabrina, Erika, Lt Surge, Koga, Blaine, and Ash trudged up to a
field. Ash was acting as Giovanni, by the way.
On the other side of the field, stood eleven women. They were the
starters of the Women's US soccor team. They were Tiffeny Milbrett (yay!),
Julie Foudy (yay!), Kristine Lilly, Joy Fawcett, Kate Sobrero, Shannon
Macmillon, Mia Hamm, Brandi Chastain , Carla Overbeck, Michelle Akers, and
Briana Scurry. The rest of the team were sitting on benches.
"How come there are only eight of you?" Kristine Lilly asked.
"We'll make up our team soon enough," Sabrina replied cooly. "Huddle!"
The eight trainers made a huddle and slapped each others hands.
"Observe the making of our team," Misty said. "For a defender, I choose
"Psyduck! Not you!" Misty shouted.
The women looked at her cluelessly.
"Oh! What a cute little duck!" Julie Foudy crooned.
Misty stared at her. "Oh well."
"For the other denfender, I choose Tangela!" Erika said.
"What is that?" Mia Hamm asked.
"For forward, I choose Diglett!" Ash said.
"Diglett dig, digglett dig!"
"For other forward, I choose Alakazam!" Sabrina said.
"For defender, I choose Koffing!" Koga said.
"For other defender, I choose Charmander!" Blaine said.
"Goalkeeper, I choose Lickitung!" Ash ordered.
"Midfielder, I pick Jigglypuff!" Misty said.
"Midfiedler, Pikachu!" Lt Surge said.
"Forward, I choose Krabby!" Misty shouted.
"And for the other forward, Gloom!" Erika laughed.
The women stared at Psyduck, Tangela, Diglett, Alakazam, Koffing,
Charmander, Lickitung, Jigglypuff, Pikachu, Krabby, and Gloom.
"And for our referee," an announcer from nowhere said. "James of Team
"It's Meowth!" Ash complained to the announcer. A little cat popped up
with a microphone in his hands.
"This is weird," Carla Overbeck observed.
"Weird, nothing! Let's play!" Lt Surge said.

First Quarter

"Tiffent Milbrett gets da ball," Meowth began. "And she passes it to
Foudy! What's dis? Pikachu is coming up to defend her team. She gets ready
and wow! She shocks the ball out of Foudy!
"Da ball bounces to Tangela and using one of her vines, she whacks da
ball to forward, Diglett! And Diglett goes underground with da ball just as
Joy Fawcett tries to kick da ball out."
Down on the field, the women were shouting at James. "That's cheating!"
"What do you call that?" "You're a bad ref!"
"I don't know what to do!" James whined. "Jessie! Help!" He threw the
stopwatch down and ran away crying.
"Now who's going to be the referee?" Ash asked.
"I will!" Brock offered, walking into the field. (He wasn't one of the
gym leaders because I wanted him to be ref) Then, he walked to Brandi
Chastain. "Hello, you're looking lovely today. Can I have your phone number,
address, e-mail address?"
Brandi stepped back.

"And da game is starting again!" Meowth announced. "Diglett has da ball
and she pops up from underneath Briana Scurry! What is she doing? Staying
there? Out of nowhere, Pikachu comes rushing up behind and uses her head to
score da first goal for da Pokmon!"
The pokmon and gym leaders shouted in ecstasy.
"What was that?" Briana Scurry demanded.
"Yeah?" Kate Sobrero added.
"Ladies, ladies. Please don't complain," Brock said. "If you rather be
somewhere else, I would gladly escort you to the movies."
"Um, that was a fair goal," Kate Sobrero quickly corrected herself.
"Agreed," Briana Scurry added.
Brock face-faulted.
"Michelle Akers has da ball! And she looks like she's going to pass it
put no! She is stopped by oncoming Koffing! Koffing spreads smoke everywhere!
It's goin' ta take a long time to get dis smoke away! Meowth!
Wait! There's a Pidgeotto above! Using her whirlwind attack, da smoke is
cleared! But where's da ball? Dere it is! It's in da hands, um, head of

Gloom was running towards the goal. Carla Overbeck tries to kick it off
her head. But Gloom felt threatened. "Gloom! Gloom!" she shouted. Poison gas
started to come out.
"Carla? What's that smell?" Joy shouted.
"It wasn't me!" Carla replied. "Whoo! It does smell! Kate?"
"Don't look at me!" Kate responded, pinching her nose. "YAGH! Stop that
But they couldn't get near Gloom because of the smell. Therefore, it
scored another goal.
"Don't complain," Briana Scurry advised to the about-to-be-pouting
Overbeck. Seeing the approaching Brock, Carla kept her mouth shut.

"And da game is starting again!" Meowth said. "Right now, it's in da
possesion of da US womens! Dere goes da marvelous Mia Hamm! She passes ta
Tiffeny Milbrett! Milbrett attempts to score using what a powerful kick!
What's dis? Lickitung blocks da ball easily with her tongue! What a goalie!"

"What?" Tiffeny Milbrett shouted. "This is insane!"
"Who ever blocked a ball with a tongue?" Mia asked.
"Licking?" Lickitung asked.
The women all marched over to Lickitung.
"Licking!" Lickitung screamed. Then, seeing the angry and upset faces,
she tried to console them, by licking there faces, much like a dog.
Unfortunately, the tongue ended up on Michelle Akers and she was paralyzed.
"You can't do that!" Shannon Macmillon shouted. "Ref!"
Brock immediately came running over. "My, you're looking lovely today.
Would you like to go out for dinner? Maybe the movies afterwards?"
Shannon Macmillon looked utterly confused. "What kind of game is this?"
The women looked at their Coach, Tony Diccico.
"I was told that this game was challenging," he shrugged. "I thought it
might be China or Brazil."
"Argh!" the women screamed in frustration.

"Da ball is in da possesion of Shannon Macmillon! She passes da ball to
Milbrett who passes da ball to Hamm! Hamm attempts to score but da ball
bounces off dat tongue! Hamm tries again...but wait! What's dis? Instead she
passes it quickly to Milbrett who quickly shoots it in the goal! Too fast for
Lickitung! And one point goes to da USA made by Mia Tiffeny Milbrett,
assisted by Mia Hamm!"

"Yipee!" the women screamed.
The pokmon marched over with angry faces.
"Pika!" Pikachu scolded.
"Don't be a sore loser now," Shannon Macmillon said.
"Pi....ka...chu!" Pikachu shouted, shocking all of them. Satisfied, the
pokmon marched back to their side of their field.
"I think they are sore losers," Joy Fawcett muttered, lying on the
ground, burnt to a crisp.

"Da game as started again! Meowth! What a game! Jigglypuff has da ball
and Julie Foudy is trying to get da ball away! Oh no! Jigglypuff is started
to sing! Julie Foudy is on da ground sleeping! But oh no! Jigglypuff is
taking out a pen, forgetting about the ball! Michelle Akers steals it and
passes it to Kristine Lilly! Charmander comes by ta try to get da ball away!
Oh no! what is she trying ta do? She's opening her mouth and...wow! She fries
da ball!"

"Huh?" Kristine Lilly asked.
"Char!" Charmander replied.
They were interrupted by a loud scream. "My face!"
It was Julie Foudy. Also known as Loudy Foudy. (hehe)

To be Continued....

Feedback goes to WRmistyRW@aol.com!