Books By Misty


There's a poll at the bottom! The gang meets Skye again! Will Ash
let her join up again? Or will Misty The Mighty have to convince
him by hitting him on the head using her trusty mallet?

Parts One and Two

AJ arrives! Such a small battle! A happy night? I don't think
so! Skye now you'll learn to flirt with AJ! But you still like
him right?

Part Three

Skye?! AJ and Skye have a battle! Guess who loses the match!

Part Four

One word, thoughts, this is based probably mainly on their

Part Five, Six

Poor Skye! An old rival, Gary, and alot of trouble!

Part Seven

Did someone say trouble? make it double! and singing!
also a mysterious person appears!

Part Eight

WHAT?! Her father?! Coming to take back Skye! Can out heroes
save her?

Part Nine

A funny part, AJ and Gail come back, Gail's father and him have
a pokémon battle and there are a whole lot of muffins!

Part Ten

Also a funny part, mostly battles but still cool! If you hate her
father you'll be happy!

Part Eleven, Twelve, Epilogue

The ending of Over The Horizon, although a new serries will
begin. Gail? I don't care